Designer handbags have taken toll in the market and people love to have these handbags on their own to satisfy their passion. Women always love to own a designer handbag, but by looking at their cost they just take their steps back. But for all those who are in need of this designer variety must have pocket full of money with them as these designer handbags cost a bomb. They are made of high grade leather which is solely original and not fake ones.
Due to the increasing popularity of counterfeit designer inspired handbags, it is been very difficult to distinguish between fake models and the original ones. Through research it has been proved that the same manufacturers producing the original quality designer handbags are the same who produce the designer inspired handbags in extra batches with a slight difference and sell them in the black market for a fraction of the original price. This was they gain double income.
Nowadays the authenticity is been replaced by the copies of it which people prefer due to their low cost and the same pattern as that of the original one. Demand for the designer inspired handbags are higher and due to this very reason there has been an increase in the production as well as the selling process. People are not able to purchase original goods due to the unaffordable prices. For those who cannot the best option is to go for the designer inspired handbags.
Earlier there was different means of spotting the fake ones such as looking at the cheap leather, shoddy hardware, tarnished or misspelled logo, the irregular stitches and many more. But nowadays it has become very difficult as the fake ones are really good as that of the original ones. They look very same and do not show any kind of difference between the two.
This kind of craze for designer inspired handbags is mainly prevalent among the teenagers as they could not afford the original ones as these are highly priced. The counterfeit handbags are made available at half the price or even lower than the original prices. As the original handbags and the counterfeit ones do not show much difference, people choose the fake ones rather than the branded, as it makes the show off possible for them.
Shopping of the fake varieties of the handbags is made possible online too. Such a facility helps for easy look out for those who are in need of the counterfeit bags.
Wednesday, 13 June 2007
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